A SQL load balancer that enables you to dramatically scale and improve database performance without any code changes to your application or database.

        • DEVSPACES

          DevSpaces is a cloud-based, dockerized development environment that you can get up and running in minutes.

        • CLOUDFIX

          A cloud cost optimization service that automatically scans your AWS account to identify cost savings opportunities and implements user-approved fixes.

        • ENGINE YARD

          A NoOps PaaS for deploying and managing applications on AWS backed with a world-class support offering.

        • CODEFIX

          A highly scalable, automated code cleanup service that finds and fixes issues automatically so that you can focus on developing
          new features.

  • Resources
  • Support
  • About Us

Improve your course experience

with pre-configured dev environments

Stop wasting your precious course time setting up dev environments. With DevSpaces your learners can start coding in seconds.

Choose a Repo,

start coding.

We have helped thousands of dev teams

Works on your machine and your learners’

With pre-configured dev environments, every learner gets a clean, standardized environment in seconds. No more nightmares of making each learner’s environment work.

Standardized dev environments

Clean, consistent dev environments for every learner. Get started quickly with predefined setups for all major programming languages including Python, Java, C++, Ruby and .NET. DevSpaces helps you create standardized dev environments so that all your learners can start coding right away.

Code anywhere with a browser

Code anywhere with browser based VS Code. With browser extensions for Chrome, Edge, FireFox and Safari, all your learners can launch DevSpaces within seconds from your repo on GitHub. Don’t use git? Learners can still launch DevSpaces with one click. Click to launch in seconds – it’s that simple.

Don't let local machines slow down your course

DevSpaces cloud dev environments are standardized and are way more powerful than desktop dev environments. Unlike on your desktop, learners get more than one workspace to practice, get expandable memory and get a fast AWS network. Don’t let local machines slow down your course.

Purpose built for Educators

Perfect for Educators! One time setup. Consistent dev environment for all learners. Collaboration made easy.

Setup DevSpaces for your course

Configure your DevSpaces once and make it part of your course so that all your learners can always open clean, consistent, high-performance dev environments. Click to code in just seconds.

One click launch from GitHub

Prefer using GitHub for your courses? With DevSpaces browser extensions for Chrome, Edge, FireFox and Safari, your learners can launch DevSpaces within seconds from your repo on GitHub. Click to launch in seconds – it’s that simple.

Collaborative teaching with live sharing

Your learners can share their running workspaces with you for real time collaboration. One click sharing via URLs helps you teach 1:1 and live code remotely with your learners.


DevSpacesDevSpaces Private Cluster for Educators
cluster/month + $49/OCU/month
Workspace hours
Parallel workspaces
User types
Named user
Number of users
Optimized Container Unit (OCU) = a container that uses 1 GB of RAM and proportionate CPU

Improve your course experience with standardized dev environments that get your learners to start coding in seconds.